
Metal Artworks

Incense Burner with Lotus and Peony Design in Silver Inlay
Incense Burner with Lotus and Peony Design in Silver Inlay
Artifact Name
(영어) Incense Burner with Lotus and Peony Design in Silver Inlay
(한글) 동제 은입사 연화모란문 향완
(한자) 銅製銀入絲蓮花牡丹文香垸
Culture/PeriodGoryeo 12~13th century
DimensionsH. 23.7cm
Assigned No.
Incense burners were used as offering vessels to burn incense, and always appeared in general rituals to remove evil spirits and worldly thoughts. On top of the trumpet-shaped base, which was popular in the Goryeo age, sits a wide-rimmed bowl. The upper part, body, and remainder of the burner’s wide bowl were inlaid with silver lotus scroll designs and peonies.