
Past Exhibitions

Dragon: The Asian within the Western
Dragon: The Asian within the Western
전시장소Ewha Womans University Museum
전시기간1998.11.26. . - 1999.08.30. .

Alexander Liberman was born in 1912 in Kiev, Russia and studied mathematics at the Sorbonne in Paris. In 1941 he migrated to the U.S. to flee from Nazi rule and is currently an environmental sculptor in New York. One of his works, "Dragon Wall" was acquired by the Ewha Womans University Museum and displayed at the 2nd Special Exhibition in the Ewha Sculpture Garden. The motif of "Dragon Wall" (1990) is, appropriately enough, the dragon, which symbolizes Asians' animistic outlook on nature. "Dragon Wall" demonstrates the quintessence of an environmental sculpture.

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