
Designated Cultural Heritage

고구려 평양성 축성 기록 글자  高句麗平壤城石刻字片
Inscription on the Wall of Pyeongyang Fortress
Artifact Name
(English) Inscription on the Wall of Pyeongyang Fortress
(Korean) 고구려 평양성 축성 기록글자
(Chinese Character) 高句麗平壤城石刻字片
Culture/PeriodGoguryeo 589
Assigned No.Treasure No.642
This stone tablet is from Pyeongyang fortress, and is inscribed with description about the building schedule of the fortress, specifying details, working hours, responsibilities, name of the construction supervisors, and the area for which they were responsible. This piece provides crucial information about calligraphy and the titles of official positions on Goguryeo. The powerful and vibrant calligraphy is typical of Goguryeo, thus this piece is valuable in the history of art.