

청감 상감 버드나무·학·물고기무늬 편병
Flattened Flask with Inlaid Fish, Crane and Willow Tree Design
Artifact Name
(English)  Flattened Flask with Inlaid Fish, Crane and Willow Tree Design
(Korean)  청감 상감 버드나무·학·물고기무늬 편병 
(Chinese Character) 靑瓷象嵌柳鶴魚文扁甁
Culture/PeriodGoryeo 14th century
DimensionsH. 29.5cm
Assigned No.
This is a flattened flask with the shoulders decorated with goblin’s faces. A willow tree and cranes are enclosed in a barbed quatrefoil. Unlike most 11th and 12th century celadonware, which is characterized by flowing lines and clear glaze, this flask is crowded with decorations. Goryeo’s cultural interaction with Yuan Dynasty China can be detected in this flask.