
Wood Artworks

Lotus-shaped Table with a Turtle-shaped Pedestal and Lotus Pond Design in Mother-of-pearl Inlay
Lotus-shaped Table with a Turtle-shaped Pedestal and Lotus Pond Design in Mother-of-pearl Inlay
Artifact Name
(English) Lotus-shaped Table with a Turtle-shaped Pedestal and Lotus Pond Design in Mother-of-pearl Inlay
(Korean)  나전흑칠 연지문 시명 하엽반
(Chinese Character) 螺鈿黑漆蓮池文詩銘荷葉盤
Culture/PeriodJoseon 19th century
MaterialsBlack-lacquered Ginkgo Wood
DimensionsH. 23.2cm, W. 36cm
Assigned No.
This table supported by a single post is made by fixing a branch onto a tortoise-shaped pedestal. Side branches ornamented with a lotus bud are embedded to secure the tabletop. On the surface of the tabletop there is a lotus pond depicted with mother-of-pearl inlay. Over the waves a poem is carved which describes the feelings of one who stares at the lotus meditating on the principles of the cycle of the universe.